Young developers gathered together in the Technopark “Idea”

24 april 2017

On April 23, 2017 the Republican stage of the All-Russian competition of project and research works of schoolchildren of the Educational Center “Sirius” was held in the Technopark “Idea”. It is organized by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan Open University of Talents 2.0 and the Foundation “Talent and Success” (Sochi).

23 teams of schoolchildren of 6-11 grades (more than 100 people) from all over the country became participants of the Contest.

The main goal of the Competition is to involve high school students in scientific and technical research and create design solutions in breakthrough areas, which differ in the speed of

The competition was held in 15 directions:

  • “Personal security systems”;
  • “Telecommunications and communications”;
  • “Development and application of new materials”;
  • “Distributed energy systems”;
  • “Oil production and oil refining”;
  • “Mechanical engineering”;
  • “Autonomous transport”;
  • “Precision instruments industry”;
  • “Robotics”;
  • “Unmanned aerial vehicles”;
  • “Modern technologies of agriculture”;
  • “Neurotechnologies”;
  • “Industrial design”;
  • “Chemical and biotechnologies”;
  • “Personalized medicine”.

Recall that municipal stage of the contest was held in March in Tatarstan, where 46 teams (team composition of 3 to 5 people) from Kazan (22), Naberezhnye Chelny (15), Almetyevsk (2) and Chistopol (8) presented their technological projects. According to the results of the municipal stage the best teams were identified, which will participate in the Republican stage of the competition.

For six hours, which the Republican stage was lasting, the participants were presenting their solutions, as well as changes in the projects that they made after the municipal stage of the competition.

The winners of the Republican stage were the teams of projects:

  • “Vertical farm” Green UFO (IT-lyceum of KFU)
  • “Helicopter landing system” (Secondary School No.54)
  • “Grinius” (Lyceum No.131)
  • «Snowden» (Secondary School No.9)
  • “Device for the collection of space debris” (Lyceum No. 1, Secondary School “Chistopol-vyselskaya”)
  • “Optimization of design details of an aircraft” (Gymnasium No.8)
  • “Innovative technology for obtaining biodiesel fuel” (Lyceum-boarding school for gifted children with in-depth study of chemistry - branch of KNITU)
  • UAV x8 (Engineering Lyceum of KNRTU-KAI for gifted children)
  • “Water purification from oil products” (Lyceum No. 78, Secondary School No.58, Naberezhnye Chelny)
  • “Sphere – A” (“Lyceum No. 5”, Lyceum No. 83, Secondary School No.132)

The winner of the Republican stage of the All-Russia competition of project and research works of the schoolchildren of the Educational Center “Sirius”, who was given the right to participate in the project session of the Sirius Educational Center (July 2017), was the team:

  • “InMoov” (Engineering Lyceum of KNRTU-KAI named after A. N. Tupolev), which presented an android robot, which in the future will be applied in the treatment of children with autism.

Within the summer session the participants will have the opportunity to further develop their project under the guidance of leading scientists, researchers and engineers, as well as to take part in the All-Russian stage of the Competition.

Photos and text of the press service of the University of Talents.

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