Technopark “IDEA” has become a laureate of V All-Russian contest of trade mark “Zolotnik”.

6 december 2007

The rewarding ceremony for half-finalists of regional round of V All-Russian contest of trade mark “Zolotnik” has taken place in Technopark “IDEA”. 40 enterprises of the Republic of Tatarstan, Bashkortostan and Mariy El participated in the event.

The contest of trade mark “Zolotnik” was founded in 1999 with aim to combine efforts of Russian federal, industrial, business and public organizations in developing civilized market relations in Russian Federation.

Annual elimination (half-final) rounds cover the largest regions of Russia, including Saint-Petersburg, Nizhniy Novgorod, Ekaterinburg and others. It was this year when the regional round of the contest was held in Kazan.

Among the participants of the contest there were such enterprises as: Technopark “IDEA”, Kazanorgsintez, Elabuzhsky avtomobilny zavod, Kazanskiy zhirovoy kombinat, Kazanskiy zavod sinteticheskogo kauchuka, insurance company “ASKO”, “Talisman”, etc.

The Organizational Committee of regional round of V All-Russian contest of trade mark “Zolotnik” consisted of representatives of the Ministry of industry and trade of Tatarstan Republic, Territorial authority of Federal antimonopoly office of Tatarstan Republic, the Chamber of commerce and industry of Tatarstan Republic, the Agency of small business development of Tatarstan Republic and the Agency of mass media of Tatarstan Republic “Tatmedia”.

The winners of regional round of the contest were rewarded according to several nominations: “Originality”, “Ability for ad-making” and “Legal protectability”. The Innovative Technopark “IDEA” was recognized as the best one in nomination “Creativeness”.


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