The second stage of the All-Russian event “Hackathon-2017” is held on the eve of the Cosmonautics Day

12 april 2017

The second stage of the All-Russian event “Hackathon-2017” is held  on the eve of Cosmonautics Day on April 10-12, 2017 with the support of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in the scientific-technical sphere and the Kazan National Research Technical University – Kazan Aviation Institute (KNRTU-KAI).

Teams of the Centers of Youth Innovation Creativity (CYIC) of the Russian Federation from Penza, Samara and Tambov, as well as the CYIC team of the Republic of Tatarstan, arrived at the Robotics Hackathon.

The models are assembled for two days at the project sites. On the basis of the “Lyceum - Engineering Center” the participants of the forum will study the basics of aerodynamics and aeromodelling, will assemble a controlled unmanned aerial vehicle and learn the basics of its piloting. On the basis of the Engineering Lyceum of KNRTU-KAI the children will study the basics of Inmoov robotics, assemble and program a humanoid Inmoov robot, which in size is comparable to the body size of an adult.

The work of the Hackathon-2017 will be completed on April 12, 2017 with a solemn event in the eighth building of the KNITU-KAI.

Within the framework of the event, an exhibition of design works and achievements of Kazan Engineering Lyceums students will be presented, master classes from companies Kuka and Eidos Robototekhnika will be held, an excursion to KNITU-KAI laboratories (nanocenter, laser technologies department and quantum center) will be organized.

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