The Foundation for Assistance to Innovation has announced the beginning of the selection of projects of small innovative enterprises within the second stage of the competition “Development-NTI”

7 april 2017

The Foundation for Assistance to Innovation has announced the beginning of the selection of projects of small innovative enterprises within the second stage of the competition “Development-NTI”

The “Development-NTI” competition is aimed at supporting R & D in order to implement the National Technological Initiative (NTI) road maps approved by the Presidium of the Presidential Council for Modernization of the Economy and Innovative Development of Russia.

Within the framework of the competition, it is planned to select projects to conduct research and development (R & D) on the basis of a list of priority thematic areas formulated jointly with the Working Groups of the National Technology Initiative (NTI) for each road map taking, into account technological barriers: AeroNet, AutoNet, MariNet, NeuroNet, HealthNet, EnergyNet and TechNet.

In the selection of projects there will take into account the orientation of R & D on:

  • directions provided by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 642 from 01.12.2016  “On the Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation”, which will allow to create technologies that are the basis of innovation development of the internal market of products and services, a stable position of Russia on the external market, and provide: transition to digital, intelligent production technologies, robotic systems, new materials and methods of construction, transition to environmentally friendly and resource-saving energy, countering anthropogenic, biogenic, and sociocultural threats terrorism and ideological extremism, as well as cyber threats and other hazards to society, economy and state, etc.;
  • through industrial technologies needed to achieve the results of all NTI roadmaps, including the development of the domestic electronic and component base, the creation of composite materials, etc.;
  • assistance in the development of regulatory and legal acts and standards, contributing to the realization of the objectives of the NTI roadmaps.

Enterprises those are small in accordance with Federal Law No. 209-FZ and which have no existing contracts with the Foundation may take part in the competition.

The amount of the grant will be up to 20 million rubles. The Foundation provides support under condition of co-financing from own or borrowed funds in the amount of not less than 30% of the grant amount.

Accepting applications for the second stage of the competition is open until 15 May 2017. Applications are submitted electronically through an automated system at:

The contest results will be announced in the summer of 2017.

We invite hi-tech companies that can create breakthrough products and world-class technologies to participate in the contest.

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