The issues of realization of young people potential in the scientific and technical sphere were discussed in Kazan

30 march 2017

A meeting on the realization of the potential of young people in the scientific and technical sphere in the conditions of the digitalization of the Russian economy on the example of Republic of Tatarstan was held in IT-Park yesterday on March 29, 2017. The participants of the event were President of the Regional Association of Employers “Association of enterprises and entrepreneurs of the Republic of Tatarstan” Alexander Lavrentyev, the head of the Association of Internet of Things Andrey Kolesnikov, the rector of the Kazan National Research University – Kazan Aviation Institute (KNRTU-KAI) Albert Gilmutdinov and other invited guests.

During the meeting, the experts got acquainted with the best practices of Tatarstan in the field of support and maintenance of high-tech projects of young scientists and entrepreneurs, with the experience of universities of the republic on the preparation of professional competencies required for the transition to the digital economy, evaluated the effectiveness of the existing in the republic infrastructure of developing the potential of youth in the scientific and technical sphere, discussed the problems of introducing digital startups into the existing business environment.

CEO of Technopark “Idea” Sergey Yushko told that the most important condition for the development of the IT-sphere and business is not so much a financial component, although it certainly has an important role, but proper atmosphere and environment that allow it to engage in creativity. “We conducted a survey among our successful entrepreneurs, who are on average 28 years old. They say that the knowledge gained at the university was not useful to them in life, but the university environment was useful. Money is not the most important, but the environment is the most important. So when ask what you have in Technopark the most important? I say — the environment. That is, you work, creating your own company, but you provide services to everyone else. Because how companies are born. They are not born in the laboratories of the universities. Scientific discoveries, maybe, are born in the laboratories of universities. But to put to this grant money, then push the whole world to the market, then make sure after 10 years that this is not on necessary in the market - this is not an option”, — said Sergey Yushko.

Now business in the IT sphere, according to him, is developing as follows: a person comes to the company, gets experience, and then creates his own company and contracts with the parent company. The result of this “budding” is the creation of an ecosystem of modern IT business.

“Digital modeling gives an enormous reduction of the development time of new products, be it an aircraft, a helicopter or any civilian facility. In the aviation business in order to our equipment receives a certificate of airworthiness; it is necessary to conduct hundreds of tests. It is usually done live, that is, it is necessary to build it on a particular object, and it is necessary to set parameters. The machine flies, tested on these parameters. This is a colossal amount of money and colossal terms. Today, the West has completely turned away from this. In a short time, the parameters are set, are modeled on the computer, and you receive a huge number of options in order to choose the most optimal solution”, - said the former head of Kazan Helicopter Plant and the President of the Association of Enterprises and Industrialists of the Republic of Tatarstan Alexander Lavrentiev.

The press service of Technopark “Idea” according to the materials of the press service of the Ministry of Communications of the Republic of Tatarstan and News Agency “Tatar-inform”

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