“Umnics” will experience their ideas for strength: crash-test of projects will be held in Technopark “Idea”

16 november 2016

Crash-test of innovative projects will be held in the conference hall of Technopark “Idea” on November 18, 2016 at 9:00 am. Undergraduate and graduate students will present more than 30 projects. The selection winners will be eligible for 500,000 rubles form the Foundation for Assistance of Innovation.

Crash-test will be the semi-final stage of the selection of projects for the competition “Umnik”. The main purpose of the program “Umnik” is the identification of young scientists who want to fulfill their potential through innovative activity, and the promotion of mass participation of youth in scientific, technical and innovative activities through organizational and financial

Program participants are young people from 18 to 30 years inclusive (as a rule, students, graduate students, young researchers), selected on the accredited program activities. Every year there are selected from the 1,000 projects around the country.

The number of prizes is not defined in advance and depends on the quality level of each job and ability of the selection participants to present his project.

Selection of participants is carried out in 5 areas:

  • Information Technology
  • Medicine of the future
  • Modern materials and technologies of its creation
  • New devices and hardware complexes
  • Biotechnology

To participate please contact Technopark “Idea”:


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