Incubation of product innovation sale technologies in a new business incubator of KTET and “Ideas”

14 november 2016

The first project session were being held on the 11-12 of November, 2016 in Technopark “Idea” within the framework of implementation of joint project “Creation of business incubator for the incubation of product innovation sale technologies” with the Kazan Trade and Economic Technical School.

New business incubator is created to provide a personnel reserve for small innovative companies. Here, in the framework of learning, students and teachers will cultivate the competence in the implementation of a new product, the strategy of bringing it to market, pricing, marketing, building system sales, and more.

The first step in the implementation of the project was to conduct training in the form of business cases, prepared on the basis of operating businesses and real problems.

53 students and teachers of the Kazan Trade and Economic Technical School tried themselves in the working out of the case study on building a system of sales of drugs used for diseases accompanying HIV infection. The case has been developed on the basis of the existing production of LLC “Nanopharma Development”. The company produces pharmaceuticals for cancer treatment, used in organ transplantation and the treatment of diseases with HIV.

Projects protection was held on Saturday, November 12, in the second case “Reverse tactile communication”. This case is based on the work of medical simulation trainer “Robotic patient”, produced by a resident of Technopark “Idea” - company Eidos.

Trainees were required to come up with a product/service based on technology of reverse tactile communication, to develop a business model and marketing concept of the product, to offer measures of economic stability of the product on the market and calculate the cost of the product.

The result of the work of students and teachers has been new projects based on technology of reverse tactile communication, such as the creation of smartphone for visually impaired people; a robot explorer of the sea bottom; a device-informer that measures the emotional state of a person; a complex of “healthy sleep”; a prosthesis of the hand and a virtual aquarium.

The most effective participants, which Technopark “Idea” will be partially or completely offset the training in the new business incubator, were identified as a result of working in teams and projects protection.

Project sessions of business incubator of KTET and Technopark “Idea” will be carried out in the Technopark on a regular basis.    


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