G20. Youth model was held in the Kazan Federal University

11 november 2016

The event’s organizers are Kazan Economic Diplomacy Club on the basis of Institute of International Relations, History and Oriental Studies of Kazan (Volga region) Federal University and Financier on the basis of Institute of Management, Economics and Finance of Kazan (Volga region) Federal University.

The model G20 is held the 2nd year in a row with the purpose of modeling of a summit “Group of Twenty” for students of Kazan Federal University, interested in international relations, main problems of the economy and ecological situation in the world.

Deputy of the State Council of RT of V convocation Kseniya Vladimirova, CEO of Technopark “Idea” Sergey Yushko, General Director of LLC “Izvarino Farma” (Moscow) Orest Ibragimov, Deputy Director of Institute of Management, Economics and Finance for scientific activities Lenar Safiullin and curator of Kazan hub Global Shapers Community Iskander Mardanov took part at the opening ceremony.

A panel session “The fourth industrial revolution” was held in the framework of G20. Youth model. The discussion touched upon issues of rapid development of technology and the adaptation of society to the changes. Experts spoke about the popular professions of the future, as well as the challenges facing the labor market. There were emphasized innovative projects of the Republic of Tatarstan, Innopolis, Technopark “Idea”, IT-Park, which could serve as a model for other regions of Russia.

For two days the delegates were working on the compilation of Declarations in three committees:

  1. Political: protection of human rights, conflict resolution and mitigation of the crisis situation in the Middle East (language - English);
  2. Economic: the impact of globalization on the world economic system, the consequences of free movement of goods, capital and people (language - Russian);
  3. Environmental: environmental degradation in the world, the joint efforts of the countries to prevent environmental collapse, the introduction of new “green” technologies (language - Russian).

At the end of the work Declarations were adopted in the three committees and sent for evaluation and review to experts from KFU. In the framework of a cultural program, the participants got acquainted with the traditions and culture of China (because the Summit of “Big Twenty” was held in China in this year). The Confucius Institute based on KFU held master classes on calligraphy, Chinese tea ceremony and Tai Chi Chuan.

The main partner of the event was “The Undorovskiy Mineral Water Plant “Volzhanka”.

Text and photos by Kazan Economic Diplomacy Club on the basis of Institute of International Relations, History and Oriental Studies of Kazan (Volga region) Federal University

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