Hackathon on machine learning and neurointerface Neurohack 3.0 identified “UMNIK” finalists

24 october 2016

Yesterday the Hackathon on machine learning and neurointerface Neurohack 3.0 ended in Innopolis. At the end of the event the best 6 projects will be participants in the final selection of the program “UMNIK” of the Foundation for Assistance of Innovation. CEO of Technopark “Idea”, the representative of the Foundation for Assistance in Tatarstan Sergey Yushko presented the certificates. These projects will qualify for a grant in the amount of 500,000 rubles.

The Hackathon, organized by the scientific society Science Guide, was attended by developers from different regions of the country. The participants created a variety of projects: rehabilitation after a stroke, psychological type identification based on gait, the generation of unique voices and much more.

Head of Science Guide Evgeniya Konovalova said that this is the third Hackathon on the account of society. “Usually we invite the participation of scientists, entrepreneurs, developers and engineers, there are different variations. Now a big part consists of developers and programmers”, – said Evgeniya Konovalova.

Note that the Hackathon participants had the opportunity to implement their projects at the expense of a prize fund of 3 million rubles from the partners of the Hackathon - MegaFon, Russian Venture Company (RVC) and the Branch Union Neuronet.

The press service of Technopark “Idea” based on materials of Innopolis city community in “Vkontakte”

Photo: Innopolis city community in “Vkontakte”

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